Agudath Israel Etz Ahayem Synagogue is a vibrant small congregation.
We rely on donations to continue our community outreach programs and Mitzvah Projects.
If you would like to donate to Agudath Israel Etz Ahayem, you can send your donation to
3525 Cloverdale Road, Montgomery, AL 36111 or donate online below.
Agudath Israel Etz Ahayem Endowment Fund | Minimum donation $15
A general purpose fund to provide for the future of Agudath Israel Etz Ahayem Synagogue.
Arline Miller Silver Fund | Minimum donation $15
For the purchase of kitchen equipment.
Blanche and Samuel Sass Family Library Fund | Minimum donation $15
For enhancements to the Agudath Israel Etz Ahayem Synagogue library.
Building Improvement Fund | Minimum donation $15
For capital improvements to synagogue buildings.
Education and College Loan Fund | Minimum donation $15
To furnish higher education loans for synagogue members and their children.
Etz Ahayem Fund | Minimum donation $15
All interest and dividends earned from this account go to the general fund. The principle is to provide funds for future synagogue relocation.
General Fund | Minimum donation $15
A general purpose fund to help pay our operating expenses.
Herbert Besser Fund | Minimum donation $15
A general purpose fund. Specific uses approved by the Besser family.
Jack Feinstein Endowment Fund | Minimum donation $15
A general purpose fund to provide for the future of Agudath Israel Etz Ahayem Synagogue.
Joseph Weinstock Moreh Fund | Minimum donation $15
To help pay the salary for a professional for our Religious School.
Labovitz Ramah Darom Leadership Fund | Minimum donation $15
To promote education and leadership for the youth and adults of Agudath Israel Etz Ahayem Synagogue.
Library Fund | Minimum donation $15
To purchase books for the Rabbi Merenstein Memorial
Marie L. Cohen Fund | Minimum donation $15
A general purpose fund to provide for the future of Agudath Israel Etz Ahayem Synagogue.
Perry Mendel Community Enrichment Fund | Minimum donation $15
To provide educational, social, and cultural enrichment for Agudath Israel Etz Ahayem Synagogue.
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund | Minimum donation $15
For the Rabbi to use for charitable purposes and to enhance the programs of the synagogue.
Sara and Sigmund Segall Children’s Fund | Minimum donation $15
To purchase equipment for the Religious School.
Sarah and Irving London Torah Preservation Fund | Minimum donation $15
To maintain and preserve our Torahs.
United Synagogue Youth Fund | Minimum donation $15
To promote education, leadership and youth activities for grades 9 - 12.
Tree of Life | Minimum donation $25
To purchase inscribed leaves for the Tree of Life to honor special people on special occasions.
Prayer Book Fund | Minimum donation $50
To purchase prayer books, Tanach and other books used for services.
High Holiday Prayer Book Fund | Minimum donation $50
To purchase new prayer books to be used for the High Holidays.
Bible Fund | Minimum donation $100
To purchase Bibles.
Sisterhood Tribute Funds
Book of Life | Minimum donation $10
A general purpose fund to supplement the Sisterhood general fund.
Kitchen Renovation Fund | Minimum donation $10
To pay for improvements and updates in our kitchen.
Nace Allen Youth Fund | Minimum donation $10
To provide transportation for our youth to attend Jewish camps and conventions.
Herman “Cappy” and Alice Kleinberg Perpetual Fund | Minimum donation $10
To purchase kitchen equipment and serving pieces.
Shinbaum Family Health Fund | Minimum donation $10
To help individuals with health needs, and to promote general health information.
Shiva Pantry | Minimum donation $10
To provide the family meal after a funeral when necessary.