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Adopt a Loved One

Adopt a Loved One


There are Loved Ones on each month's Yahrzeit List who no longer have family members at AIEA to remember them. Consider adopting an AIEA Loved One today with a donation in their memory.

  • Why We Donate in Multiples of $18

    Each Hebrew letter has a numerical equivalent, and the sum of the letters that create the Hebrew word for life, CHAI, is 18 - chet (numerical value of 8) plus yud (numerical value of 10).


    As a result of its connection to the word for life, the number 18 is considered a special number in Jewish tradition. For this reason, Jews frequently make gifts or charitable contributions in multiples of $18.

Why We Donate in Multiples of $18

Each Hebrew letter has a numerical equivalent, and the sum of the letters that create the Hebrew word for life, CHAI, is 18, chet  (numerical value of 8) plus yud (numerical value of 10). As a result of its connection to the word for life, the number 18 is considered a special number in Jewish tradition. For this reason, Jews frequently make gifts or charitable contributions in multiples of $18.

1 = $18

2 = $36

3 = $54

4 = $72

5 = $90

6 = $108

7 = $126

8 = $144

9 = $162

10 = $180

11 = $270

12 = $360

13 = $450

14 = $540

15 = $630

16 = $720

17 = $810

18 = $900

19 = $1,800

A Spiritual Union of Ashkenazi and Sephardi Traditions, uniquely suited to welcome Jews of both Ashkenazic and Sephardic backgrounds, as well as other traditions.

If you are interested in visiting us click the red "Visit Us" button.


3525 Cloverdale Road

Montgomery, AL 36111


Fax:  334-281-7194

  • AIEA Montgomery

Only Congregation Members of AIEA Synagogue can sign up to access the members-only area of the website. This area includes calendars, picture albums and AIEA news.

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