Gift Cards for Terri
We will purchase various gift cards (restaurants, etc.) to help Terri in her healing.
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Dearest Congregation,
Many have expressed concern for our beloved office manager Terri Williams as she battles lung cancer.
Terry is in Birmingham undergoing radiation and chemo. She is staying with her daughter and son in law who are giving her much love and support.
I have talked to Terri in regards to her health and what the congregation can do for her. She suggested gift cards. Elaine Kirkpatrick has offered to collect our donations, purchase gift certificates, and get them to Terri.
If you would like to help, you can donate in two ways:
Donate online using this form.
Or send a check to Elaine at the synagogue. Please make your check out to AIEA Sisterhood.
If you would like to send Terri a note, that would be lovely and she would appreciate hearing from you. Send them to her daughter:
Meg Agee, 708 Medows Drive, Birmingham AL 35235
Love, Barbara